Tuesday, October 12, 2010


not me, damia.
almost a week down with high fever,coughing & flu.
risau gak. first day kena dah hit 39°C... still lari sana lari sini. geez~doc pun cam kagum je. 
we went to 2 trips to the clinic. 2nd trip sebb after 5 days, the fever still there tambah dgn vomitting everytime dia coughing. temperature pun kejap 37°C-38°C. fikir nak bwk g hospital je check darah. teringat last time damia demam teruk kena masuk air, ambil darah fuhh scary. but buntat cakap bwk clinic & check dulu. her doc do the checkup, takde ape2 just throat sudah swollen because of vomitting, perut still kembung sebb taknak makan apa2. got extra more ubat2an. she said after 3 days kalau tak elok juga then baru check darah. 
yesterday we spent our time at home, resting.
today she looks fine. no more crying, kicking refuse to go to school. bangun tidur je mintak coklat. apekah? temperature pun normal. fuhh~ lega. 
oh i did bought her chocolate for breakfast :D