Tuesday, January 25, 2011

pagi oh pagi

Started from college, i never once woke up early easily. The caused of living with friends, partying studying hard at night *cough*cough* and the habit of waking up late continuously until today. Damia seems to take my bad habit since we both always woke up on 8-9am on weekdays, my workdays! (I got a tons of mgmt complaints because my punctuality) and you don't want to know what time I get up on weekend then...verrry late! I've been trying to woke up early, set my alarm clock but it never works. I heard it ringing, i switched off, back to la la land and ta~da i got up on my usual time.
Working with parents somehow make me taking more advantage on this. Showed up in the office in whatever time that I like. But boy... i am really over the limit. My job performances decrease dramatically... daddy started giving long lectures on work etiquettes. haihs... 28th years kena bebel. shame on me!
So for 2011 i got to buckled down myself. It will get worst if I didn't start now.  With Damia growing up, soon have to go to school...it will be nice if i change my habit and have a peaceful morning. have make it real!!! current situation is upside down. every morning start with kelam kabut. This is what happened if mom woke up the same time as daughter. Disaster!!!